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The CCH Tax White Label Report, provides tax and tax-related highlights for individuals, tax administration, tax agents, Not-for-profits and Indirect taxes.
The report will be delivered via email and in MS Word format.
If you are also interested in receiving our macro-economic CCH Parliament White label Report, please refer to our value-saver package which includes both reports and offers a significant 31% saving for customers.
Why you’ll love it?
  • Access comprehensive and concise summaries of the Federal Budget and key tax highlights, all delivered directly to your inbox.
  • Prepared by our experienced Australian in-house tax experts, which means you are better informed with independent, professional and detailed analysis on the Federal Budget. 
What is a White Label Report?
With this purchase, we grant you a non-exclusive copyright license. This copyright license allows you to use the content of the reports – in part or whole – as your own. You can add your brand logo and distribute the reports externally to your clients and prospects.
This product is non-returnable and non-refundable once delivered to you.
As customary, all existing users of CCH Integrator, CCH iKnowConnect, CCH Parliament and CCH iFirm will receive a complimentary copy of the CCH Parliament Federal Budget Report and CCH Tax Federal Budget Report, however, these reports are subject to copyright and may not be forwarded or its content reused or published in any way.

Prices are shown in AUD and include GST | Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer