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The financial planning industry continues to undergo significant change. The continued focus on education and professional adviser standards, along with changes to superannuation contribution rules make this book an essential companion for all financial planning professionals. It explains and illustrates all the fundamental areas of financial planning, as well as analysis of how the 2019 Federal Budget proposals and their potential impact on financial planning strategies.


Contents include income tax, superannuation, social security, aged care, investment, retirement planning and estate planning. The book also contains many examples and financial planning case studies. Practical tips and traps are also highlighted throughout the chapters. Content highlights include:

Income tax | Capital gains tax | Fringe benefits tax | Superannuation | Self-managed superannuation funds | Social security | Life and personal risk insurance | Compliance and best practice

Investment | Salary packaging | Gearing | Family home | Financial planning for the family

Redundancy, early retirement and invalidity | Planning to retire | Retirement incomes | Retirement living and aged care | Financial and estate planning on family breakdown | Estate planning and the consequences of death

Rates and tables | Online investing | Index

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